Research and Publication

Peer-reviewed Journal:

Imtiaz, S. (2018). Ecological impact of Rohingya refugees on forest resources: remote sensing analysis of vegetation cover change in Teknaf Peninsula in BangladeshEcocycles, 4(1), pp. 16-19. 

Hassan, M. A., Mahjabin, R., Islam, M. R., and Imtiaz, S. (2019). Land Cover Classification and Change Detection Analyzing Multi-Temporal Landsat Data: A Case Study of Gazipur Sadar, Bangladesh between 1973 and 2017. GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY12(1), 104-118.


Imtiaz, S., Haque Khan, R., Arefin, M. F., . . . Deeny, F. (2023). A Framework for Community-level Disaster Resilience Index: Focus on the Host Communities in Cox's Bazar.  Available at:
Imtiaz, S., Sultana, S. S.,  . . . Haque Khan, R. (2022). Multi-Hazard Early Warning System in Cox's Bazar: Report on Stakeholder Consultation Workshop. Available at:


Imtiaz, S. (2023). A Novel Approach to Global Heat Health Impact-based Forecasting: Geospatial Integration of Gridded Socioeconomic Data for Environmental Justice, presented at AGU23, 11-15 Dec.

Easha, E. N., & Imtiaz, S. (2023). Web-based Heat Health Monitoring: Leveraging Global Gridded Vulnerability and Exposure Data for an AI-Enabled Decision Support System (DSS), presented at AGU23, 11-15 Dec.

Imtiaz, S. (2022). A Framework for Climate-induced Multi-hazard Resilience Index in Conflict Contexts: Assessing Resilience of Rohingya Refugee-hosting communities in Bangladesh based on Secondary and Remote Sensing Data, Abstract [NH12E-0322] presented at 2022 Fall Meeting, AGU, 12-16 Dec.

Imtiaz, S. (2020). Effects of Temperature and Humidity on COVID-19 Transmission in Tropical Climate: The Case of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Abstract [GH002-05] presented at 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU, 1-17 Dec

Imtiaz, S. (2020). Spatial distribution of COVID-19 importation risk in South Asia against health emergency preparedness capacity and vulnerability. ISEE Conference Abstracts2020 (1).

Imtiaz, S. (2019). Impact of Rohingya crisis on the resilience of coastal community in Bangladesh: GIS and satellite remote sensing a nalysis of deforestation, presented at 2019 Conference on Managed Retreat, Columbia University, New York, Oral presentation 19-21 June.

Imtiaz, S. (2019). Remote sensing-based burn severity analysis of Amazon wildfire disaster in 2019: The case of Candeias do Jamari municipality in Rondonia State, Brazil, presented at 2019 Symposium on DRR Exposure & Opportunities, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Poster Presentation, 13 Oct.  

News Media:

Imtiaz, S. (2017). Social Cohesion during Disasters. The Daily Star, 10 February. Available at:

Imtiaz, S. (2016). Water Crisis in Bangladesh”s Urban Slums. The Diplomat, 30 December. Available at:

Imtiaz, S. (2016). The Unsung Heroes of the Tampaco Factory Fire. The Diplomat, 22 September. Available at:
Imtiaz, S. (2017). Conflict of interest at UN climate talk. The Financial Express, 16 May. Available at:
Imtiaz, S. (2017). Carbon Tax on Fossil Fuel. The Financial Express, 01 June. Available at:

Imtiaz, S. (2017). Trump withdraws US from Paris Climate Accord. The Financial Express, 04 June. Available at:

Imtiaz, S. (2016). First to Respond: A Success Story of Community Volunteers. ReliefWeb, 07 Jun. Available at:

Imtiaz, S. (2016). Wall Collapse: Changing Attitude in Community Response. ReliefWeb, 07 Jun. Available at:

Imtiaz, S. (2017). Non-economic loss and damage from climate change. The Financial Express, 16 Dec.